Uses of Class

Packages that use BarcodeException

Uses of BarcodeException in net.sourceforge.jbarcodebean.model

Methods in net.sourceforge.jbarcodebean.model that throw BarcodeException
protected  java.lang.String MSI.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
          Returns a String containing the checksum-encoded version of the text passed to the method.
protected  java.lang.String Interleaved25.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
          Returns a String containing the checksum-encoded version of the text passed to the method.
protected  java.lang.String Ean13.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
protected  java.lang.String Code93.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
protected  java.lang.String Code128.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
          Returns a String containing the checksum-encoded version of the text passed to the method.
protected  java.lang.String Code11.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
protected  java.lang.String Codabar.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
          Codabar does not have a checksum, so this function should never be called.
protected  java.lang.String BaseCode39.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
          Returns a String containing the checksum-encoded version of the text passed to the method.
protected abstract  java.lang.String AbstractBarcodeStrategy.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String text)
          Subclasses implement this method to calculate the checksum from the text to encode, and return a String containing the text with the checksum included.
protected  int AbstractBarcodeStrategy.computeSize(java.lang.String text)
          Computes the length of the barcode (in bar/space modules) based on the text to encode.
 EncodedBarcode Code93.encode(java.lang.String textToEncode, boolean checked)
 EncodedBarcode BarcodeStrategy.encode(java.lang.String text, boolean checked)
          Subclasses implement this method to encode some text into a barcode.
 EncodedBarcode AbstractBarcodeStrategy.encode(java.lang.String textToEncode, boolean checked)
          This implementation carries out the following steps: Call AbstractBarcodeStrategy.preprocess(java.lang.String) Call AbstractBarcodeStrategy.augmentWithChecksum(java.lang.String) to add in the checksum Call AbstractBarcodeStrategy.postprocess(java.lang.String) Adds in the start and end sentinels Use the CharacterCode array returned by getCodes to encode the text into a barcode Insert left and right margins Return EncodedBarcode object
protected  java.lang.String Code93Extended.preprocess(java.lang.String text)
protected  java.lang.String Code93.preprocess(java.lang.String text)
protected  java.lang.String Code128.preprocess(java.lang.String text)
          Inserts start character and code change characters.
protected  java.lang.String Code11.preprocess(java.lang.String text)
protected abstract  java.lang.String AbstractBarcodeStrategy.preprocess(java.lang.String text)
          Subclasses implement this method to perform any preprocessing necessary on the original text to encode.

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